It is important support staff or anyone working in education can make effective decisions. This decision-making course teaches the model of decision making and how to apply it practically in everyday settings. Particularly useful for support staff that carry the emergency phone but beneficial for any staff.
Decision Making is a process for looking at all the options and making a choice through a systematic approach. In your role you may have to make the right decision under pressure and quickly. The key aim of this workshop is to recognise the benefits of a robust Decision-Making process.
Course Outline
The aim of this workshop is to gain a greater understanding of how decisions are made.
The key points covered in this course are:
1. Identify the simple Decision-Making Model
2. Recognise the benefits of following the model
3. Explain the importance of making the right decisions within the working environment
Delivery Method
This is a classroom-based course, priced per group for organisations booking a private course.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this workshop, learners will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of decision making
2. Identify the key elements of the Decision-Making process.
3. Distinguish the key steps of the Decision-Making Model.
4. Recognise the benefits of using this approach.
There are no barriers to entry on this Decision-making course. It is suitable for all.
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for students on study abroad programme.