Most workplace issues are people-related and are underpinned by how they are feeling. Identifying and working with emotions – yours and others – will enable you to grow your social skills with empathy to engage with people at a deeper level.
Emotional intelligence training is not just a desirable ‘soft skill’. In fact, research indicates that emotional intelligence can be a better indicator of workplace performance than IQ. It gives you very real and concrete benefits and should be an essential element of any staff development programme.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this training course, you will be able to
1. Be aware of emotions and the impact they have on their performance
2. Recognise and understand emotions in others and how to adapt their behaviour to suit
3. Regulate their emotions and so enhance performance
4. Handle and inspire emotion in others
Course Outline
This course covers the following 5 domains of Emotional Intelligence:
1. What is Emotional Intelligence? – A set up to the session, which explains what EI is and its role in improving performance in the workplace.
2. Self-Awareness – Understanding how self-aware participants currently are, reviewing the value of self-awareness and providing an opportunity to develop this.
3. Self-Management – Appreciating that we manage ourselves based on our values, attitudes, and beliefs. Looking at methods of improving self-management and overcoming negative ‘self-talk’.
4. Self-Motivation – A look at how personal goals drive our self-motivation, how our beliefs, values and attitudes can affect our motivation and some valuable techniques for personal improvement.
5. Empathy – Helping participants appreciate the need for empathy and providing the methods for doing it.
6. Handling Relationships – Bringing the previous skills together to become ‘socially intelligent’. Looking at real life situations and how emotional intelligence plays a part. Finally, reviewing ways of further improving relationships using emotional intelligence.
There are no barriers to entry on this training course. This is an awareness course, suitable for all.
Delivery Method
Traditional classroom based
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for anyone wanting to increase their knowledge of emotional intelligence with an aim to working with others more effectively.
Certificate Gained
Upon the successful completion of the course, you will be able to download your CPD accredited certificate. You can also request from us (via email: info@childwell.co.uk) a high-quality hard copy version of your certificate along with course transcript at a cost of £13.