Our online Fire Safety training course is perfect to cover the necessary skills and knowledge of fire safety in care homes, schools, offices, or any workplace. Ensure you meet legal requirements and have adequate fire safety training as required by The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Minimise the risk to life and comply with legislation with our online Fire Safety Awareness training course. Fire is one of the biggest risks that your employees face on a daily basis in the workplace. With around 50 people killed and more than 2000 seriously injured every year, it is vital that your staff know the causes and actions to take in a fire. In fact, every staff member is legally required to undergo basic fire safety training. This fire safety course will teach your staff the fire safety signs, the risks of fire safety in the workplace, how to avoid a fire by spotting fire hazards, the different fire extinguisher types and their legal responsibilities.
Course Outline
The aim of this online Fire Safety training course, delivered via e-learning, webinars or blended learning, is to greater increase your knowledge of fire safety, the cause of fires, the relevant legislation, fire safety signs and fire safety in the workplace. The key points covered in this online course are:
1. Fire safety overview
2. The causes of fire
3. Risk assessment
4. Protocol
5. Fire classifications and properties
6. Fire extinguishers
7. Fire evacuations and tests
8. Effects of fires
9. Effects of smoke inhalation
10.Relevant safety measures
11.Reporting fire safety in the workplace
Delivery Method
Our online fire safety awareness training courses are available 24/7, anytime, anywhere.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this Fire Safety Awareness course online, learners should know and understand the following:
1. General fire safety
Cover the fire law (The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005), what premises are covered by the legislation, who is responsible for fire safety awareness and the responsibilities of the employer and employee.
2. The science behind fires
Learn about potential fire hazards & risks that can arise in the workplace, the causes of fire, how they spread and the 3 elements of fire such as fuel, oxygen and ignition/heat.
3. Risk assessment
Understand fire safety management – this covers written risk assessments, checking fire alarms, fire detection equipment and emergency lighting and ensuring you have the correct records kept. Along with evacuation procedures and appointing the “competent person” for fire safety (Fire Marshal).
4. Emergency protocol
Cover emergency protocol including high and low-risk premises, fire inspections, alterations notice, enforcement notice and prohibition notice.
5. Fire classifications and their properties
This fire safety module covers the types of fires and the related symbols to look out for.
6. The types of fire extinguishers and their uses
Learn about the 6 different types of fire extinguishers and which one to use for the type of fire at hand. You will also cover how to use a fire extinguisher with the P.A.S.S technique.
7. Fire evacuation procedures, drills and tests
This section covers fire exits, escape routes, what to do during an evacuation, how people may react to fire and the evacuation procedures including Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP) and using an evacuation chair.
8. Effects of fires
This fire safety awareness module will cover the 3 types of effects of fire: smoke, backdraft and flashover. Along with the effects of smoke inhalation.
9. Preventing Fires
Learn how to prevent fires and control flammable substances.
10.Relevant safety measures
Cover relevant safety measures and what fire safety equipment your workplace should have, along with the different detection and warnings of fire such as alarms, call points, sirens & bells and voice alarms. You will also learn the importance of emergency lighting and fire safety signs.
11.The role of the fire marshal/fire wardens
Learn the role of a Fire Marshal in a workplace and what they should do in an event of a fire.
12.Discovering and reporting risks
Know how to discover and report any fire safety risks in the workplace.
There are no barriers to entry on this Fire Safety awareness training course. This is an awareness course, suitable for all.
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for any staff member who has been designated fire responsibilities.
Certificate Gained
Upon the successful completion of the course, you will be able to download your CPD accredited certificate. You can also request from us (via email: a high-quality hard copy version of your certificate along with course transcript at a cost of £13.